Upgrade status Tox-Aid®

Tox-Aid® has achieved a significant milestone with EU registration of the enzyme…

Mycotoxins increasingly a problem in cattle too

Problems caused by mycotoxins are increasing due to climate change.  Mycotoxins can…

The battle against harmful mycotoxins

Despite being discovered over 50 years ago, mycotoxins remain a relevant theme in…

The grain market 2021

In June, all crops were looking very good, with very positive reports being…

Tox-Aid® study

E.F.S. recently had an in vitro study performed using the mycotoxin deactivator…

Heat stability of Tox-Aid®

E.F.S. is always evolving! As a result, we’re constantly on the lookout for…

Grain harvest 2020

Following a good start at the end of July the harvest season is still in full…

Tox-Aid® organic authorisation

Tox-Aid® is on the organic input list! Tox-Aid® has been authorised for use in…

Corn smut in maize silage and its threat to animal health

At the moment a lot of corn smut (field fungus) is found in maize fields as a…

Tox-Aid®: The deactivation of Enniatin B

In line with our motto ‘inspired by nature, scientifically proven’ mycotoxin…