Schothorst research ActiBeet®

E.F.S.-Holland is always on the lookout for new, highquality products that match…

Effects of Tox-Aid® on the performances of piglets

Tox-Aid® is a mixture of inactivated yeast, bentonite and plant extracts. The aim…

E.F.S.-Holland on Dutch television

On October 5th the Dutch television program ‘Ondernemend Nederland’ showed an item…

Effect of Brocacel® on performances of weaned piglets

Brocacel® is an inactivated yeast culture (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) with a high…

EFSA: No increase in risk for consumer when formaldehyde is used in animal feed

In February 2014, the EFSA published an article on the use of formaldehyde in…

E.F.S. launches Tox-Aid®

Although mycotoxins are relevant throughout the year, this is definitely the time…

The plain naked truth on salmon oil

There are many stories circulating in the market about salmon oil. In order to…

Reduction of heat stress in pigs and poultry

Every summer, sows have difficulty with the higher temperatures in the sty. Reduced…

The effect of salmon oil on the leg strength of broilers

Leg disorders form a major problem for the broiler chicken industry. Although…

Should we worry about mycotoxins in dairy feed?

Cows are capable of detoxifying limited amounts of mycotoxins in the rumen. This is…