Natural betaine as an effective rumen modulator

ActiBeet® liquid – a natural betaine – was introduced into the animal feed sector…

ActiBeet 96 as natural Osmolyt

ActiBeet® – natural betaine, your NUTRITIONAL solution to heat stress! Worldwide…

Tox-Aid® organic authorisation

Tox-Aid® is on the organic input list! Tox-Aid® has been authorised for use in…

Dysantic® special

The Netherlands plays a leading role in the reduction of antibiotics use in the…

Oxidation salmon oil and antioxidants

In recent months E.F.S. has received many questions about oxidation: ‘How does it…

ActiBeet 96%

E.F.S. has been a distributor for the product ActiBeet Liquid from the Austrian…

RPC Cu: 55% copper reduction in piglet feeds!

New research in Germany shows that by using RPC copper the copper content in piglet…

Salmon oil for horses?

A common phrase is; ‘Horses are herbivores, why should we feed them salmon oil?’.…

Mussel powder and chondroitin

The use of glucosamine and chondroitin in pet food is growing. Both are added to…

EFS-01 continues

The new E.F.S. service, mobile installation EFS-01, which treats raw materials and…