Interview with E.F.S.-Holland’s decontamination specialists Harry van Ewijk and Gregor Zygadlo

Despite strict monitoring and safety measures, microbial contamination will inevitably occur at some point in the animal feed production chain. However, planted-based material affected by microbial contamination – such as soya bean meal – still contains the required characteristics and nutritional values. Irrespective of the non-conformity, these materials remain a suitable raw material for animal feed. Re-purposing by downgrading to destruction or fermentation processes is therefore a last resort, especially in view of waste prevention and underlying circular principles.

Heat treatments aren’t an option in most cases, due to the significant modification of physiological properties, composition and digestibility. To reintroduce the contaminated raw material into the production process, the only option is to apply a targeted treatment using organic acids. This specialist approach aims for complete eradication of the contamination. E.F.S.-Holland provides this expertise, which is based on many years of bacteriological control experience in the animal feed sector.

No surprises

Bacteriological Control is the name of E.F.S.-Holland’s specialist decontamination department. Harry van Ewijk coordinates and organises all projects pertaining to Bacteriological Control. “It starts with an all-encompassing ‘live’ analysis of the situation and the location, which differ every time. The contaminated raw material can vary in terms of particle size, flow rate and contamination levels. These aspects are all incorporated into our analysis and service proposal”, says Harry van Ewijk. All observations, analyses and findings are then presented to the client, while corresponding costs are communicated as an open calculation.

Our service proposal is discussed extensively to prevent any unwanted surprises during application. “In certain cases, pre-testing occurs at our laboratory with the specific contaminated raw material, to determine which decontamination product, concentration and dose is required to ensure success. We can also treat raw materials for organic use”.

Collecting samples

Treatment on site is done using the EFS-1 and EFS-2 mobile units. The transport, assembly, disassembly and cleaning are all processes provided by E.F.S. Holland. Hygienic and safe practices are key during the entire decontamination process Before the start of treatment, a control measurement is done using a sample of the contaminated material, after which intermediate, and then final samples are taken. A laboratory result proves whether the decontamination process has been successful. Our current average success rate for all projects is 95%.

The bacteriological control specialists at E.F.S.-Holland are responsible for the entire mobile decontamination process. From A to Z. Frameworks are established prior to the start of the treatment to enable fully optimised operations. This includes all required resources and equipment, as well as a forklift truck, loading shovel and extra personnel. Depending on how the raw material is stored, a Bigbag decontamination unit (EFS-2) or Bulk decontamination unit (EFS-1) is available.

Permanent or mobile installation

Permanent installations are also an option being installed at, but not limited to, grain storage facilities. Permanent liquid dosing installations are installed on site, at a location chosen by the client. Fully customisable, the unit is turn-key delivered. Periodic inspections and maintenance by E.F.S. specialists ensure worry-free, continuous control of any undesirable micro-organisms. Maintenance frequency depends on the volume and raw materials used and is determined in consultation with the client.

According to decontamination specialist Gregor Zygadlo, a fixed installation is an entirely different proposition. It signals a long-term collaborative partnership with the client. After several meetings and a survey with the client, a proposal is made. If both parties reach agreement to proceed, the system will be delivered and installed as quickly as possible at the desired location. This process takes approximately 8 weeks. After completion, it’s important that safety standards are maintained by employees using the installation. E.F.S.-Holland provides on-site training for factory personnel so that safety standards are met when working with the acidic decontamination products. “Safety first”, underlines Gregor.

Decontamination product

Over the years, E.F.S.-Holland has developed an established range of products with strong antibacterial properties under the Bact-Aid™ and Stabilacid™ product names. Liquid variants of these products are applied to the external decontamination of raw materials via the mobile or permanent installations, while dry variants are actively applied to clean and disinfect production lines. Due to the abrasive action of the dry products, unwanted biofilm accumulation is effectively scraped loose and removed. Evaporation simultaneously targets unwanted microbes in hard-to-reach corners and bends without the need of dismantling. Frequent flushing of production lines prevents contamination of the final product.

If you would you like to know more about the bacteriological control of your raw materials and/or final feed, please contact Harry van Ewijk: +31 (0) 345 53 5498