Tox-Aid® has achieved a significant milestone with EU registration of the enzyme Fumonisin esterase. This specific enzyme breaks down toxic fumonisins into safer compounds. This registration proves the safety and effectiveness of the product and provides a global benchmark for quality and performance.
Tox-Aid®, the broad spectrum mycotoxin deactivator developed by E.F.S.-Holland, contains four specific enzymes aimed at the detoxification of non-polar mycotoxins in animal feed. After a long and intensive period, the registration certificate awarded by the European Commission (EC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for the mycotoxin degradative enzyme Fumonisin esterase has been received.
This EU registration holds a special status in terms of production and distribution within Europe, and in many countries is also seen as a benchmark criteria for safety and quality. In the case of fumonisin esterase, the award of this standard is currently reserved, for just two production strains of this enzyme worldwide. The challenge of obtaining registration lies in conducting experiments on toxicology, tolerance and efficacy for each animal species and all age groups.
Rate of effectiveness
A rate of effectiveness in mycotoxin management is crucial. Mycotoxins, such as fumonisin, zearalenon and deoxynivalenol, must be degraded or bound as quickly as possible in the first part of the digestive system to prevent absorption through the intestinal wall. For the further development of enzymes for Tox-Aid®, the focus lies on kinetic parameters, such as specificity, activity and catalytic efficiency. This is indicated by, among others, the Michaelis constant (KM), also known as the binding constant. A lower value indicates a higher binding affinity. The catalytic constant (kcat) on the other hand determines how many substrate molecules are converted per time unit. A higher number indicates a more efficient conversion rate. Both parameters largely determine the ‘detoxification rate’ of mycotoxins in the animal.
Also the enzymes in Tox-Aid® work according to the lock-key principle: they are only active in the presence of specific mycotoxins and are not used up, making low doses possible.
Fumonisin esterase in Tox-Aid® is able to break down both fumonisin ester bonds into non-harmful components, resulting in 99% fully hydrolysed fumonisin within two hours in an in vitro model. When the enzyme is used, the concentration of fumonisin in animal faeces is reduced by 94%.
Tox-Aid® is highly effective when applied to animal feeds that are contaminated with a combination of different mycotoxins – a common global problem. In 70% of cases, raw materials, such as grains and soya, contain more than one mycotoxin, leading to synergisms that can boost the harmful effects.
Tox-Aid® provides a powerful and versatile solution for the treatment of mycotoxins in animal feed. It is suitable for all animal groups, from pigs to dairy cattle. This special approval, awarded by the EFSA and EC, substantiates the years of research and practice during which Tox-Aid® has continued to achieve positive results.
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