In December 2020 E.F.S. will add this sustainably produced salmon protein source to its portfolio for the Benelux countries and German speaking countries. S-Pro™ 37 is a hydrolysed liquid salmon protein. It is produced in Norway and made from slaughterhouse by-products.


S-Pro™ 37 has a 37% crude protein content (as fed basis) and as a result of its hydrolysis process S-Pro™ 37 has a 98-100% digestibility. It is a great addition to the ration of young animals. Its high palatability increases the feed intake. S-Pro™ 37 is a very suitable product for young piglets and a perfect addition to pet food.


During the production process the naturally plasticising effect of S-Pro™ 37 increases durability and pellet hardness. S-Pro™ 37 also increases press capacity. Its viscosity of 50 mPa (17°C) makes this product easy to process in the feed industry.

S-Pro™ 37 is available in bulk and IBC’s.

More information? Please contact the E.F.S.-salesteam.